• The top-rated Merck Manual app for professionals—now redesigned for iOS 7
• Named as one of 10 Essential Medical Apps in App Store
• Compatible with iPad Air, iPad mini, iPhone 5S/5C, etc., including Retina display support
For over 100 years, healthcare professionals have relied on The Merck Manual for essential information on diagnosing and treating medical disorders. Now in its 19th Edition, The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is the work of more than 300 independent contributors, all recognized experts in their fields. The Professional Edition app puts the widely used medical textbook at the professional's fingertips, whenever and wherever it's needed. The top-rated app runs beautifully on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, and is fully self-contained: no Internet connection is needed to access the great content of The Merck Manual.
The trusted content of the Professional Edition addresses thousands of diseases and treatments, features clinical approaches to each category of disorder, and provides specific guidance on patient evaluation. Designed specifically for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, the app preserves the quality of The Merck Manual content while creating a simple and appealing user experience.
• Access the content anywhere (Internet not needed)
• Does not require registration, subscription or software downloads.
• Find information on patient symptoms quickly
• Browse through sections, chapters and topics
• Navigate easily between topics in a chapter
• Jump quickly to sub-headers within topics
• Utilize the full index of the Merck Manual
• Perform full text searches that include index terms
• Search terms highlighted within text of topics
• Resize text for easy reading
• Email a link to any topic
• Bookmark favorite topics
• Automatically records the history of topics you viewed
• Remembers the last topic you were on
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