An Upcyclepunk Postimperial Curio.
A curio for some or a right old puzzle for others, make no mistake.
Some say: some folk actually managed to bake a loaf of bread using this confounded contraption... but that is rumoured to be just a rumour.
There's no pressure... relax, ponder, prod, clank, crank, pull, push, watch... ponder more....sleep on it maybe... come back to it...ponder.
Along with the intriguing artwork there is the challenging puzzle with the ultimate objective of baking a loaf, but you can enjoy solving easier mile stones along the way like: ordering some grain, starting the mill, then milling yourself some flour, with this huge fully functional contraption. Look for clues written on the equipment, listen to the sound scape, and fathom the interconnections. Once you have solved the puzzle of how to bake a loaf then the simulator aspect of the game becomes apparent: you have to get the ingredients, mixing, proving and baking just right if you want to aspire to bake the perfect loaf. Your baking efforts are judged right at the end of the process... whether they be good, or bad.
Extras: for a Hints and Tips page (including "How-to" videos) or a super detailed TraptionBakery poster click on the "Jonathan Prestidge Web Site" link below.
"Is it steampunk?", some would ask. Well there is no steam and it is a contemporary contraption, but it is bigger scale than your modern new-fangled machines so you can see what does what with your very own eyes like in the good old days...
and it's tech that repurposes, reuses, and recycles, welcome to: "Upcyclepunk".
(Warning: some drawings are slightly macabre/morbid)
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