The fastest list in the West.
"I have no idea how I managed without it." -Gaia50
"Simple, quick, and easy to use. I tried three other list programs before this, and it's perfect for me. It's great for shopping, to-do lists and just keeping track of stuff." -Varkias
"The feature that sets [Checklet] above the rest is the 'shake to sort'. As you prowl the aisles and tick off each item you just shake the phone and the ticked items go to the bottom, leaving you with the outstanding items at the top. This is a very useful feature and still makes me smile." -Geoff
"[Checklet] is now my only list app." -Cindy
Checklet's features:
- Create an unlimited number of shopping and general-purpose lists
- Location-aware shopping remembers your habits and identifies nearby items
- Shake-to-sort orders your list with the flick of a wrist
- Share lists via eMail; import with one touch
- Auto-Complete suggestions speed item entry, offer foods and ingredients - not corporate brands
- Vegetarian and vegan friendly; fully tailor Auto-Complete for your needs
Enjoy making lists at the speed of thought and grocery shopping as easy as a shake.