Временно бесплатные программы для iPhone, iPad

  • 1,000+ japanese kaomoji emoticons organized into 28 categories including: happy, sad, love, bears, cats, sea animals, laughing, winking and table flipping.

    Tap a cute emoticon to copy it to the clipboard, then double tap in any other app to paste. Use them in text messages, on Twitter, Facebook and more.

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    ミ☆ Support for iPad and iPad mini
    ミ☆ Now works on iOS 5 (in addition to iOS 6)
    ミ★ 7 new happy emoticons
    ミ★ 2 new love emoticons
    ミ★ 5 new bear emoticons
    ミ★ 2 new sea animal emoticons
    ミ★ 6 new neutral emoticons
    ミ★ 4 new angry emoticons
    ミ★ 5 new worried emoticons
    ミ★ 1 new rabbit, sad, dancing, kissing, sleeping, and dead emoticons