Временно бесплатные программы для iPhone, iPad

  • Vesper is a simple and elegant tool for collecting notes, ideas, things to do — anything you want to remember. Organize your notes whatever way comes naturally to you, without complications. Vesper's focus is on how it feels to use.

    • Use tags to group related notes.

    • Attach photos.

    • Drag and drop notes to reorder them — move important ones up, other ones down.

    • Swipe a note to send it to the archive. Out of sight, but remembered forever.

    • Keep notes backed up with Vesper Sync.
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    Q Branch is closing down, and Vesper will no longer be developed. Here’s what that means for you, as a Vesper user:

    • You can no longer create new sync accounts.
    • The sync server will go offline, permanently, at 8:00 PM Pacific on August 30, 2016.
    • Upon shutdown, we will be destroying all sync data on our server. It will not be recoverable by us or anyone else. IMPORTANT: The notes and data stored by Vesper on your device will not be destroyed — only the data on the sync server.
    • Vesper itself will be removed from the App Store on September 15.
    • Vesper now has an Export feature. You’ll find it at the bottom of the sidebar. You do not need a sync account to export your notes. You can export to iCloud Drive, Dropbox (if you have Dropbox installed on your iOS device), or any other destination provided by an app with a Document Provider extension.
    • Each note is exported to a plain text file. Images are exported as well.

    We three at Q Branch — Dave, John, and Brent — are greatly appreciative of everyone who has used and said good things about Vesper. We love this app. But the time has come to say goodbye. We thank you, sincerely, for your support and enthusiasm.